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Mindfulness Monday

Our focus with mindfulness so far has been in the moment-by-moment awareness of our environment, thoughts, feelings and maybe even experiences. This can be very difficult when our lives are very full and chaotic. Many of us multi-task to be able to complete all of the things that we need to do on a daily basis. We also tend to worry about multiple things simultaneously which contributes to our growing stress and tensions. In our multi-tasking we tend to function on auto-pilot- checking out mentally and to some extent being mindless rather than focusing on the present moment and being aware. If this is describing you-you are not alone. So we are going to take a simpler step this week for a more personal approach with mindfulness.

A suggestion for this week: Try to find some time in your chaotic schedule to turn inwards with mindful breathing. With this we are paying attention to our breath and recognizing the inhaling as in-breath and the exhaling as out-breath. Sit comfortably and first focus on the in-breath: feel your lungs expand, your chest rise or your belly press outwards for a few breaths. Then shift your focus to the out-breath and feel the air as it is passing through your nostrils, your chest lowering and your belly relaxing for a few breaths. Don’t attempt to change your breathing, just notice it and observe how your body breathes naturally. Thoughts may come and go, allow them to leave without judgement. Simply breathe with awareness.

Have a great week!


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Please Note:  Some aspects of the Mindfulness Monday posts are

shared with permission from Mindfulness Exercises LLC.

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