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Healthy Intentions Community

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No matter who we are, things happen in life that arise in opposition to what we hope, dream and plan for. Learning to accept our circumstances regardless of what they are is not about denying our preferences or emotions.

Today’s activity offers a series of questions to deepen your understanding of where you might reframe your language or your perspective in order to find greater acceptance.

A suggestion for this week: Acceptance of Circumstance

· Come to comfortable position in a quiet room. Have a piece of paper and pen with you to take notes.

· Consider one situation or event that happened in contradiction to your hopes, dreams or plans.

· What happened? Let your hand free-flow and write down whatever comes to mind.

· Read over your description of what happened. What descriptive words stand out to you? What is the energy behind those words and how do they make you feel?

· Is there a way that you night reframe the story so that the energy is neutral? What sentences would you change and how? What words could you change or remove?

· When you tell your story of a difficult circumstance that you once found yourself in- do you feel victimized, demoralized or hopeless? Or do you move into a defensive mode and argue with your experience or feel self-righteous?

· What might lit be like to tell the story of your circumstance from a trusting, loving and forgiving frame of mind? What would it be like to fully accept things as they are?

· Consider if there are any barriers to the questions above. What might support you in opening to greater acceptance?

Let me stress that there are no right or wrong answers and none of this is to make you feel that you are in the right or wrong concerning the circumstance. This is simply a tool for self- exploration.

Have a great week!


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