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Healthy Intentions Community

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This week we are going to do an awareness activity of how busyness feels inside. With this activity we want to remain non-judgmental and just bring awareness to our feelings.

In looking at busyness in our lives I am referring to our busy and overbooked schedules, our busy minds, our busy routines, etcetera. How are we able to take care of ourselves, let alone care for others in all of the busyness in our lives? You cannot give 100% to others if you do not have 100% to give.

Today we are looking from the perspective of knowing that you have to take care of yourself before you can adequately take care of others. This activity helps us to focus our attention to hopefully bring about honest and open awareness of our feelings.

A suggestion for the week: You can either write out your responses to the following questions or just think about your responses as you progress through the exercise.

· Think about your typical busy day. Where are you, at work or at home? What are you doing? What time of day is it? Who is with you?

· Now tune into your body. What do you feel? Are you happy, sad, anxious, energized, calm or tired? Do you have tension in your body or butterflies in your stomach? Or are you relaxed?

· Observe the sensations and feelings, and follow where they may lead you. Don’t try to change then- just observe them and be aware of their presence at this moment.

· Did you feel the reality of busyness in your body within those feelings and sensations? Let this open your emotions to work on motivating you to focus on what is important to you.

· Sometimes people stay busy as a distraction from loneliness or a feeling of emptiness. If this is the case it is best to take a healing approach and make the decision to deal with the unpleasant emotion rather than avoid it in our lives.

· Whatever the reason is behind your busyness, try to make time every day, at least for this week, to listen to your body and what it needs. This could be in a short meditation or even a walk outside to simply focus on you and reenergize.

Have a great week!


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