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Healthy Intentions Community

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As human beings we are all wired with 2 goals or wants in common. We may strive to achieve these goals in different ways, but we all want to be happy, and to avoid pain. This week we are going to focus on the first of these, happiness.

There is more than one type of happiness. There is the superficial and temporary happiness that comes from outside of us- from getting what we want. This is temporary because the nature of all things is to change. Our new car will become old, the new relationship will change, the unexpected winnings in the lotters will be spent eventually.

The other type of happiness is what we are focusing on today. This happiness comes from within. It comes when, for example, you are fully emersed in an activity that you cherish, you recognize happiness in your loved ones, or you are walking outside in nature. This is contentment. This is when we have everything that we need, and we are ok, regardless of our external circumstances.

A suggestion for the week: A meditation to put us in touch with contentment.

· Find a quiet place to sit and set a timer for 5, 7 or 10 minutes.

· With your back tall but neutral, close your eyes.

· Breathe patiently and quietly in and out through your nose, gently pay attention to your breath.

· As you notice your breath, generate a deep sense of gratitude for your breath. Rest the mind in this space, contented to simply be present with your breath and your gratitude.

· As thoughts and distractions arise, respond by saying to yourself “I am content with the breath”. Then without any time spent judging, lingering or exploring where the mind wants to go come back to the present and continue with breath and gratitude for that breath.

· Repeat this process as many times as you need to, each time saying “I am content with the breath” until the mind turns back around.

· Continue until your timer goes off.

We can choose to be happy right here, right now regardless of our external circumstances. This form of happiness is a lasting and more satisfying form. To connect to the happiness within, we have to trust that it is already there at the core of our being. Meditation helps us to peel away the layers and thoughts that are preventing us from realizing this inner contentment.

Have a great week!


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Please Note:  Some aspects of the Mindfulness Monday posts are

shared with permission from Mindfulness Exercises LLC.

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