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Healthy Intentions Community

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This week we are bringing our attention to awareness of our breath- called zazen.

Suggestion for the week:

• Come to a comfortable sitting position, set a timer for at least 5 minutes and lightly close your eyes

• While sitting in your stillness, bring your attention to your breath, a suggestion of either the rise and fall of your chest as the air enters and exits the lungs, or to the feel of the air as it is passing at the tip of your nose.

• Continue to focus on these sensations, trying to forget about any other distractions that may be present.


Today is full of new possibilities. 

A suggestion for the week:

·       Come to a comfortable position either sitting or laying with your eyes closed or softly focused.

·       Meditate for at least 5 minutes silently repeating the mantra ‘Tabula Rasa’ which means ‘blank slate’. 

·       When you notice the mind wandering, come back to the mantra.


Our mindfulness journey this week will bring us back to simpler times.  As children, we are naturally more attuned to our environment than as adults.  Children revel in wonder of everything around them.  We are going to harness our childlike capacity for presence and curiosity whereby enhancing our attention to the world around us.

A suggestion for the week:                 Cultivating Childlike Wonder

·       Take a moment at some point in the day to pause right where you are.  Close your eyes and invite your open and curious inner child to come to the surface.

·       When you open your eyes, imagine that you were experiencing everything around you for the first time. 

·       Scan your surroundings for a few minutes and cherish all of the colors, textures and sounds around you.  Take in any aromas that fill the air.  Notice the feel of the earth, chair, bed,…


This week we are staying on the positive side.  By looking for good qualities in others, we can have many benefits in our lives.  We can improve our interactions and relationship with that individual, and we can bring out the best in someone else. 

Through this we're training our mind to look for the good, while we are also offering others the gift of being ‘seen’ with kindness.

A suggestion for this week:                            Seeing goodness in others.

·       As you wake in the morning, set the intention for yourself to look for good qualities in one or more people that you encounter in the day.

·       When you meet someone, look for at least one good quality in them.  It could be something small like a sense of fair play.  Like the majority of us, most people have problematic qualities as well.  Just try to remember that,…


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Please Note:  Some aspects of the Mindfulness Monday posts are

shared with permission from Mindfulness Exercises LLC.

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