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Healthy Intentions Community

Public·6 members


Today’s activity of mastering your agenda can be done for a single day or the period of a week.

A suggestion for the week:

·       Come to a comfortable sitting position.  Set a timer for at least 5 minutes.

·       Close your eyes and take a moment to reflect on the various committees, goals or obligations that you have for today, tomorrow or the week ahead.

·       Allow every exhale to bring a wave of relaxation through all of the muscles in your body.


This week we are going to do a more physical activity.  You may have heard the expression “cleanliness is next to godliness and order is divine”.  This week we are going to practice creating order.

A suggestion for the week:

·       The are of feng shui is the technique of observing elemental energy flow through different environments such as work, home and garden spaces.

·       Throughout your days this week, practice creating order and letting your personal world become a little more divine.  Take time to clean out your closet, organize your desk, tidy up the kitchen or living room or maybe detail your car.

·       When we are creating order we are removing distractions, which for some are stressors. 


Today we are going to work through some unresolved emotions that may be present for you.

A suggestion for the week:

·       Try to find a quiet time where you can take a seat at a comfortable writing area.  Have a blank piece of paper and pen.

·       Breathe deeply and focus inwards to find an emotionally charged encounter with an individual that you have not been able to let go of. 

·       Write a deeply honest letter to the individual associated with the encounter you are thinking of.  Write with compassion and wisdom, be sure to apologize for any misdeeds on your end and be very clear about any mistakes that you believe they made against you.


This week we are doing a mantra meditation using sound and vibration to heighten your awareness.

A suggestion for the week:

·       Come to a comfortable sitting position, set a timer for at least 5 minutes and close your eyes.

·       Allow your body to relax, while breathing normally- with every exhale release a gentle humming sound  “mmm..” 

·       Be sure to focus on the sensation of the vibrations from the sound in your body, not the sound.


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Please Note:  Some aspects of the Mindfulness Monday posts are

shared with permission from Mindfulness Exercises LLC.

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