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How to Incorporate Movement into Your Busy Day Part 3: 23 Tips for adding movement when you are a busy at-home parent or homemaker.


Now that we have lots of tips to cover the office environment, how about some creative ideas to help you get more movement when managing the home, kids, pets, spouses, etcetera 😊.


23 tips for increasing movement when you are a busy at-home parent or homemaker:

·       Get a fitness tracker- even a simple pedometer to get credit for just how much you do every day.

·       Join or create a neighborhood walking group. 

·       Take the stairs- often.  Find reasons to go up and down the stairs, it is a great form of exercise.

·       When running errands, park farther out in the parking lot.  Walking in and out as well as pushing a heavy cart are a great addition to your day!

·       Cleaning can be a great cardio and strengthening workout, plus you get to check it off your to-do list when you are finished!

·       Take walks outside or take lunch outside, walk around some and even find some objects that you can step up and over (fire hydrants, curbs, rocks, sticks, etc.) to challenge your legs and balance.  You can also practice balance walking on cracks, painted lines or even the raised curb as a better challenge.  Try walking on uneven surfaces as well.  If it is safe try walking barefoot in your yard or in soft pebbles for different textures and feels for your feet.

·       Take a few house laps if it is not good outdoor conditions or if you are not able to be outside.  It might seem silly but a few house tours can add a few minutes of activity.  Maybe set a goal for 10 tours throughout the day.

·       Try to sneak in some squats- they are a great way to strengthen your legs and back, are very functional and great at maintaining some needed strength.

·       Stay hydrated.  We all get distracted with other things or activities and forget to drink.  You can even set a timer to be sure to drink every hour or so. 

·       Stretch throughout the day- try using a broom handle to stretch your shoulders in a big circle, you can try with your hands closer and further apart to see the different stretches you feel, you can stretch to reach high or far away items when cleaning up or dusting. 

·       As you are picking up toys or small things from the floor- try using your toes and bringing it up to your hand rather than bending down to pick it up.  This will give greater strength and flexibility to your feet and legs.

·       Join a fun Instagram live session with one of your favorite instructors.

·       Find a daily activity routine with a partner, friend or neighbor.

·       Purposely move more when doing any of your chores.

·       Online shopping is convenient, but try to do your own shopping in person, especially grocery shopping.

·       Gardening- whether it is outside in your yard or having an indoor container garden you will get activity with trimming, watering, planting or potting.  Plus, you have an added bonus of structure to your day / week with watering, adjusting lighting, and fertilizing!

·       Play with your pet, take them for a walk, play tug-of war or fetch.  Toss the mouse or ball for your indoor friend to play and be lively.

·       Cook at home more and move around more when cooking- even dance to your favorite music!

·       Turn cleaning into cardio- make the most of your movement whether you are vacuuming, sweeping, or wiping down the counters.  You can even do some of the activities from a slight squat position to work your legs more.

·       Bend down fully when picking up things or petting your pet to do more squats.

·       Sit on the floor when doing some things and change your position periodically- for example cross-legged to long sitting, or to wide legged and try to get a good stretch as you are completing your activity.

·       Find different ways to get up off of the floor, try as many ways as possible to get up including without your hands if you can (and if this is safe for you).

·       Switch up family game night/time to active versions.  Swap out the cards or board games for active versions that can be either indoor or outdoor.  Here is a list to jog your memory:  hide and seek, kick the can, scavenger hunts, twister, freeze tag, potato sac races, pin the tail on the donkey, musical chairs, hopscotch, jump rope, hula hoop contests, limbo, dance party……. Or even movement and fitness-based video games like Wii.  These games can be played with people of all ages, getting the whole family active and spending fun times together. 


I told you there were going to be a lot of ideas and tips and I’m not quite done yet.  I do hope that you are getting some good ideas and are being inspired to bring more movement into your day and life.  Keep with me for one more posting on this topic where we cover ideas on getting started, taking action and a few more ways to move around more!





Next Time:


Stay tuned for my next blog in 2 weeks for How to Incorporate Movement into Your Busy

Day! Part 4: Suggestions and tips for everyone to get started, take action and move around more.



Author: Jen Hassaj | 4-3-2024


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