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How to Incorporate Movement into Your Busy Day! Part 4: Suggestions and tips for everyone to get started, take action and move around more.

This is the final section to this series.  So far, we have covered the benefits of movement, the problems associated with being sedentary in Part 1, and Parts 2 and 3 gave lots of tips and suggestions for adding movement at home as well as in the office.  Today we are bringing it all together with how to safely get started, ways to take action and a couple more ideas that will help you get off of your bottom some more.


In the mornings:

·       Try to give yourself 5 minutes to so some simple stretching right when you get out of bed- bonus it will help you to wake up too!  This can also be in the form of simple yoga.

·       You can also stretch while you are dressing with just exaggerated movements like arms overhead to get your shirt on, or reach for your toes before stepping your feet into your pant legs.

·       Do squats or lunges when you are brushing your teeth and doing your hair.

·       Or try to brush your teeth with the other hand, it will challenge your brain and the non-dominant arm from the shoulder to the hand.   

·       If you are a coffee drinker do some stretching while you wait for your cup to brew, or if possible, walk or bike to go get a coffee instead of driving there.  

·       Stand on one leg (if this is safe for you) when putting on your socks and shoes to challenge and improve your balance.


For more movement anywhere, anytime:

·       Lift one leg, with something to hold on to if needed or simply while standing anywhere.  It can be tucked in or stretched out in front or the side for more challenge whatever works for you!

·       Make faces to work the muscles of your face.  Make exaggerated faces by tightening and releasing the muscles, this may also reduce some tension.

·       If in a safe place close your eyes for a moment while doing your normal activities, this will really challenge your vestibular system and will help your balance over time.

·       Slow down your activities as much as possible, this will be more challenging than you think and you may discover some little details that typically slip right by you!

·       You can try walking or doing activities backwards to really challenge you brain and your body’s coordination.

·       Do slow calf raises, in straight or even bent leg positions.

·       Change how you stand, see how this changes your body’s response to an activity, challenge yourself in different ways throughout the day!

·       Shake it out.  Whenever you are feeling tight or stiff from sitting too long, stand up and shake your body out.  It is a quick and easy way to relieve some tension, especially if you don’t have time to do some stretches or other movements right then.      

·       When traveling, don’t forget to pack some exercise things like sneakers, workout clothes, a swimsuit, exercise bands or DVDs.     


Make leisure time more active.  It is important to have resting and leisure time, but you don’t have to choose for these times to be completely 100% passive- you can set up a treadmill or stationary bike in front of the TV so you are encouraged to move some instead of watching from the couch, or you could even do some stretching or bodyweight exercises like marching, squats, lunges or crunches during the commercial break!


How to take action on some of these ideas both at work and at home:

·       How to get started on a new exercise routine / habit: 

1.     If you have health issues get clearance from your doctor first.

2.     Do a simple warm-up moving your body around preparing for the activity that you plan to do and also cook down after the activity is completed allowing your heart rate to return to normal and to gently stretch your muscles.

3.     Drink plenty of water to keep your body performing at its best.

4.     Listen to your body, if you feel pain or a lot of discomfort while working out- stop!  If you feel better after a brief rest then you can continue.  Don’t push through the pain.

·       Use an activity tracking app or even a simple paper tracker by putting pen to paper and recording what you are doing.

·       Find an accountability partner to keep you honest and to make your activities more fun!

·       Choose an activity that makes you happy and confident, one that you think is fun!

·       Do the minimum, we always try to do too much, especially when we are starting something new.  Aim for just a few new things and see how you do.  You can always add more things later down the road after a habit has been created.

·       Try to anchor your new habit to other activities.  By having a trigger for the new activity tied to something you do without thinking (i.e. brushing your teeth, watching TV, preparing food) you are more likely to do the new activity because of the reminder.

·       Try adding a few bonus activities throughout your day, sweet and simple little bursts.  They will add up over time.

·       Reward yourself for successfully completing a new fitness goal.  There are a lot of built in rewards from exercising including more energy, better sleep, reduced stress, the ability to move better as we age and a greater sense of well-being, but as we are trying to build a habit other small rewards give us fuel to continue on.


Thank you for staying with me to the end!  That was a lot of information and suggestions- I would suggest selecting a few to begin with then, over time, you can continue to challenge yourself with more!  I hope you learned some useful things through this series and I hope you join me again for the next series!  Until then take care, be active and be happy! 😊






Next Time:


Stay tuned for my next blog in 2 weeks for The Importance of Hydration for Optimal Health & Simple Steps to Staying Hydrated.


Author: Jen Hassaj | 4-17-2024

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