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Personal Goal Setting Part 4: 15 Tips for Achieving your Goals + a List of Skills to Get It Done!

Updated: Mar 7

In the final part of this series we are going to pull it all together and give you tips for how to achieve your goals and achieve those dreams over time.

Some Essential Skills to have success with our goals:

· Planning and organization

· Self-motivation- to achieve the goals encourages us to develop the skills needed to succeed.

· Time management- see my previous blog series on Time Management!

· Flexibility- to adapt to barriers, to persevere with your efforts and carry on against adversity.

· Self-regulation- of our own emotions in order to promote our own personal goals.

· Commitment & Focus- it is necessary that goals are important and relevant personally, as well as that they are capable of us attaining them to maintain our commitment to achieving them.

15 Tips to Achieving your Goals:

· Have SMARTer goals- see Part 3 in this series to learn how.

· Write you goals down- this makes them more tangible and makes them real.

· Make your goals visible- place your written goals somewhere that you see daily to remind yourself of what you are working towards. Remember that where focus goes, energy flows, so it is important to focus on your goals daily!

· Break them down into smaller goals that are more easily achievable.

· Develop a plan on how to get where you want to be.

· Take action- Put your plan into action. Even the smallest act makes you one step closer to your goal.

· Add your goals to your daily planner to keep the necessary steps and tasks moving smoothly.

· Keep perspective- it is easy to become obsessed with achieving your goal but this can lead to burnout or abandoning your goals. Practice kindness toward yourself and give yourself time by finding balance in your life. Take breaks and remember to look at the big picture.

· Be sure to focus on the process, not the outcome.

· Identify potential obstacles before they happen to make them less intimidating as you encounter them along your way.

· Align your surroundings to support you in your efforts towards your goals. For example- a decrease social media goal- don’t have your phone right next to your bed when you are sleeping. If it is not there in the morning upon waking then you won’t grab the phone and immediately check social media.

· Create a vision board to help you to visualize what you wish to accomplish and help keep those goals in mind.

· Be accountable- sharing your goal with a friend helps you make consistent, steady progress and keeps you striving toward your goals.

· Reflect and adjust- remember to take time regularly to review your goals and see what you can change. You might need to adjust your goals or maybe just tweak your plan to achieve them. This also ensures that the goals stay relevant in what we are wanting for our future.

· Another type of measurement to perform is not concerning the result; but instead measure to discover, find out and understand more about yourself. Measure if you are showing up to do the work on the goal, measure if you spending time on things that are important to you and in line with your values and goals.

It is very important when we achieve a goal to reward ourselves and enjoy the satisfaction of having completed it. Look at the implications of completing it and observe the progress that you have made towards other larger goals. You can even build in how you will celebrate when you write your goals initially.

It is also important to remember that failing to meet a goal does not matter much, as long as you learned from the experience.

Lastly abandoning goals that are either unattainable or simply not serving you well can have all sorts of benefits in your life including less stress, feeling more competent, fewer health problems, better sleep and more positive feelings. There is no shame in letting go of some goals to find new ones that are better for you.

Thank you for staying all of the way through the 4 parts of this series. My hope is that you have been inspired to either update some old goals or begin setting goals to help you to achieve your goals and be the best version of yourself!


Related Post Links:

Personal Goals Part 1:


Personal Goals Part 2:


Personal Goals Part 3:


Next time:

Stay tuned for my next blog in 2 weeks for Naturally Boosting Your Immune System

Author: Jen Hassaj | 1-10-24

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