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Time Management Part 1: Introduction, Definitions and Thoughts concerning Time Management.

Updated: Nov 23, 2023

Time management is an interesting topic with a lot of information out there to assist you in numerous and varying ways. I learned some new tricks that may make me more efficient and productive in the various roles of my life, and I have tried to organize this diverse topic in understandable and useful groups to share with you.

In researching this topic 2 definitions of time management stood out for me: 1) ‘It is the coordination of tasks and activities to maximize the effectiveness of an individual’s efforts’ and 2) that ‘It is the process of consciously planning and controlling time spent on specific tasks to increase efficiency’.

The purpose of time management is essentially to enable people to get more and better work done in less time. The idea of time management itself revolves around choices. You decide what you need to do, when you need to finish, and what tasks you need to tackle in order to reach your goals.

As you will see in the different parts of this blog series, time management is a complicated, diverse and complex topic. There are different elements of time management which include organization, planning and scheduling to best take advantage of the time available. The different techniques of time management, which will be covered in Part 3, all take these into account as well as an individual’s particular situation, their capabilities and their characteristics.

In this productivity driven society, we all know the importance of time management- being able to make the most of our time- through assigning meaning to time itself. But what about the lack of time management?

Time poverty is the result of poor or lacking time management. This frequently occurs when we find ourselves with too much to do and too little time to do it. In a business or professional situation this causes us to miss our goals, deliver poor work, become overly stressed out and anxious and come up short all of the way around concerning our tasks. In our personal lives we suffer as well. With never having enough time to do what needs to be done we can become increasingly overwhelmed with our responsibilities and activities despite working hard, which over time can affect our mental, emotional and physical health. Without any time management, individuals will continuously react to external stimuli and lose a sense of control over their work and lives.

At the core of all time management methods are the basic skills of awareness, arrangement, and adaptation. This means being mindful of your time, structuring it, and adjusting it as you go, and is the secret to effective time management.

If you are intrigued by what you have read so far, join me on this journey with 3 more blogs in this series to hopefully find some good strategies and tips, tricks to help yourself be more efficient and productive in your life!


Next time:

Stay tuned for my next blog in 2 weeks with Time Management Part 2: 14 Benefits & 10 Challenges to Time Management.

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Author: Jen Hassaj | 10-4-23

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