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Time Management Part 2: 14 Benefits & 10 Challenges to Time Management.

Updated: Nov 23, 2023

To review, in part 1 we were introduced to the concept of time management and some discussion of its purpose as well as the result of not having this skill set. Today we are looking at all of the benefits associated with it, and some characteristics and factors that can make gaining this skill set difficult.

Time Management Benefits

· Increased happiness- when we have enough time to get things done, we tend to be happier and are less likely to burnout.

· Improved creativity- when we are less stressed by time issues, we have the space and energy to be more creatine in our life / work.

· Less sickness- sickness can be brought about by stress and burn-out.

· Increased productivity and efficiency- when we are enjoying what we are doing, we tend to be more productive and present in our activities.

· Increased energy- to accomplish our goals.

· Reduced stress.

· Prioritizing what is important.

· More time to do the things that you want.

· More positivity in your relations and interactions with others.

· Feel better about yourself, boost your confidence.

· Less procrastination.

· More opportunities to achieve your goals.

· Overall, get more things done in less time.

· Last but certainly not least…. Having a work-life balance which improves your quality of life.

Time Management Challenges

Internal barriers to time management: (These are within our control.)

· Lack of self-control

· Procrastination

· Lack of motivation

· Anxiety

· People pleasing

· Multi-tasking

External barriers to time management: (These come from outside of us, therefore are outside of our control, however we can control how we react to them.)

· Workload

· Job constraints

· Lack of corporate resources

· Distractions

Now that we see all of the good time management can do for us, stay with me for next time to learn the techniques and get help in creating your own strategy!


Next time:

Stay tuned for my next blog in 2 weeks for Time Management Part 3: 17 Tips & Techniques, PLUS Creating your own Strategy!

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Author: Jen Hassaj | 10-18-23

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